Yiwei(David) Han

Phone: +44 7529983692

Email: daviflasd08@gmail.com

Website: yiweihan.com

UX Designer

I am passionate about design and believe it could cope with the rapid change and complexity of our society. During my bachelor studies, I developed strong problem solving mindset besides the technical skills. I worked as website designer intern and user experience designer before I came to London. In my master program, I work with complex social issues using transdisciplinary design and co-creation methods. 


2020.09 - 2022.01

Master's in User Experience / University of the Arts London - London

During his User Experience Master's degree, his interdisciplinary teamwork and communication skills were enhanced by working with students and organisations from different disciplines and backgrounds. He has also read a good deal of design-related theoretical literature and has gradually developed his own design rules and ideas. He has also experimented with new design methods such as workshops, Co-Design, AEIOU, Speed Dating and so on.

2016.06 - 2020.09

Bachelor's in Product Design / Wuhan University of Technology - Wuhan

During his bachelor’s degree in Product Design (Digital Media Direction), he explored and practised in UX Design, Installation Design, VR Design, Projection Mapping and Game Design. He initially started exploring interaction and UX design with highly curious and ultra-interested in high-tech, innovative products.



2022.06 - Present





 2020.04 - 2020.09 (Part-time)

UX/UI Designer in AeroCloud Systems - Manchester, UK

1. I consistently complete tasks and projects on time while staying up-to-date with industry best practices in design.
2. I proactively participate in the agile development of the tech team by contributing deliverables and designs to promote effective communication and collaboration with relevant stakeholders.
3. I am skilled in planning meetings, conducting prototype demos and testing, performing user research, and co-leading client meetings while improving my presentation skills and improvising ability through ongoing development.
4. I analyze and summarize feedback from stakeholders to identify valuable insights and ideas, and proficiently document, manage, and maintain all relevant documentation.
5. I possess extensive experience and proficiency in wearing multiple hats, including roles such as Product, Design System, UX Research, and UI. Through these roles, I have gained increasing independence and resilience in strategically managing and prioritizing tasks to align with critical business priorities.

UX Designer in Dachun Education Technology Co. - Wuhan, CHINA

In my nearly six months of part-time work at Dachun Education Technology Limited, I have been involved in the design of the company's website (including web wireframe, low-fidelity, high-fidelity, mobile adaptations, etc.), the development of applet version (including app wireframes, low/high-fidelity, user testing, maintenance and updates of the applet etc.) as well as the production of animations and multi-size banners.

2018.06 - 2018.08

Design Intern in CHC EXPO - Shanghai, CHINA

During the two months in CHC Expo, I updated the contents on the company’s English and Chinese websites, solved website maintenance issues to ensure the websites work well, designed website banners, posters and HTML5 using specialised software such as Dreamweaver, EDM and Wordpress, wrote advertorials on social media apps (mainly WeChat official account), completed other administrative works.






The Second Award (Interaction design group) & Video Excellence Award in the National Advertising Design Competition for College Students

The Third Award (Mid-South region) in the National Computing Design Contest for College Students

The Third Award (Interaction design group) in Hubei Province in the National Advertising Design Competition for College Students



Design: UI, Qualitative Research, User Interviews, Visual Design, Interactive Prototyping, Data Analysis, Systems Thinking, User Testing, Workshop Design, HTML, CSS ...

Design Tools: Paper & Pencil, Physical Modelling, Figma, XD, Photoshop, Illustrator, After Effects, Premiere, Unity, C4D, Processing, Arduino, WordPress, Miro, Notion ...


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